Reflections from Zac sent to Steve and I. I am so BLESSED to feel of his Love and Growth that is happening in his Life!!!! YES, I do think he is AMAZING!!!
11/18/13- (2 month mark)
Mom & Dad,
I need to express my gratitude to you for teaching me how to be an amazing person. You guys are the greatest! I love you both with ALL my heart. Do you want to know why people come up to you and compliment you on how amazing your kids are? It is because you guys did such and AMAZING job raising us. I owe my thanks to you for instilling a desire to serve in me. I would definitely not be out here if it weren’t for your righteous living and raising us. You are the reason I have such great relationships with Caden and Lexie. Lexie, because you had me take her places like Lagoon. Plus, she is playing trumpet now!!!^^ Caden because we shared a room growing up, but we really clicked once Caden joined band. Without your influence to me doing Band, we wouldn’t have that connection. Think about how different his life would be if we didn’t have that kind of relationship. He and I are best friends now. We are totally living next door when we move out. I want all of us to be the family that is always doing something together. We should all live in the same neighborhood!
You always tell us kids that you are proud of us. Well, I am here to say that I am proud of you guys. You deal with me and my hardships in life. Whenever I am having a tough day or am not doing well at something. I can turn to you guys. I can tell you anything. Not many kids these days can say that. The number is becoming few in number and you have raised me and my siblings to be in that number.
Just as people compliment you on you and your kids, others compliment me on my AWESOME Parents!! Seriously, ask any of my friends (Caden is included on this one) and they will tell you that you are one of the coolest! Thanks for your support in all that I do/did. I know that I sometimes wasn’t the best at what I did, but you still supported me still the same. I know that I wasn’t the best soccer player, but you still bought me an A&Wrootbeer freeze after I kicked in a penalty kick. That is one of my favorite memories. Not the goal, but the Love and Recognition I received after it. Dad always had nectarines that he would let me have when I was on the sidelines and Mom was there to be everyone’s favorite soccer Mom who not only yelled at me, but the other players as well J
Dad, Thank you for playing pool with me. I will always remember that. As insignificant it might have seemed, I always looked forward to when Dad came home so I could “beat” him in pool. Although you can kick my butt at Billiards, you have a long time before you have enough skill to beat my pinball score. No, I did not cheat. J
Mom, I am always looking forward to the times we sit down and talk. I remember even back to the house in Bountiful when you and I would sit down on the couch and you would ask, “Sowhatcha wanna talk ‘bout, Zacky?” I would never know what to talk about, but that was ok, because I loved the times we got to snuggle. Always remember that there will be a warm hug waiting for you as soon as you come through the door. J
I love you guys so much!!! I hope that you remember the things I have brought up. I cherish these memories, they are some of my Most Favorites.
I miss you Guys!
With Love and much Gratitude,
Elder Snell