So, awesome title, right?! Hahaha! So, I don't think that I took the time to tell you all, but Elder Nielson and I decided that We would run a 5K to talk to people. Little did we know that while you are running, it isn't fun to talk because it makes you run out of breath.... We talked to people anyways. There was one guy who wanted to talk to us and told us that our religion was fake and we needed to come to Jesus. Man! We are Jogging for Jesus! What did he think we were doing in a white shirt and tie running a 5K? Trying to bring others to Jesus! He wasn't a fan of us, but he loved talking with us while running. Anyways... The real success happened after the race was complete. Others would come up to us and ask us our time and why we were running in a suit (25 minutes flat btw. also, I finished before Elder Nielson, but the count didn't say so... Lame....). We handed out a bunch of cards and invited everyone we saw to come to church the next day. Twas epic. I will upload a recording of me running the race and talking with people afterwords. Also maybe a picture or two.
We had Zone Conference this week. It was epic because it was President Riggs last set of Zone Conferences. He told us a bunch of life secrets and stuff like that. Something that really stood out to me is that when we receive a prompting for a goal, that goal is inspired and we should stop at nothing to achieve that goal that was given from Heavenly Father. We talked about Faith and how everything we do is based off of our faith in Jesus Christ. Think about it! Why do we repent? Because we have faith that Jesus Christ performed the Atonement so that we can get clean and return with our Heavenly Father! FAITH!!!! So we have taught that a whole bunch this week to those we teach.
We found some awesome people to teach this week too! We were checking up on some Less active members and the people in the apartment below the less active was walking in and we opened the door for them. As they walked inside, they said, "Hey! You are coming over tomorrow at Three, right?" uhhh....... YES! So there. Lesson set up and we show up the next day and find out that they are searching for truth in this world and are really confused with some teachings that other churches believe. So Prepared for the Gospel! I love when Heavenly Father just gives us somebody. He has to love making us happy. :)
Well, I will now recover from that 5K. We didn't really train for it.. We just decided to run it and we did. Good stuff! My legs are super sore still, but I did hit my goal. I set my goal to be 25 min, and I achieved it!!! Good fun!
Love you all!
~ Elder Zac Snell :)
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Hey Wendi,
You're welcome! Yes, they ran in their white shirts and ties and they received a lot of attention from fellow runners. People were taking their pictures and Elders Nielson and Snell were able to pass out a lot of pass-along cards with their contact information. I think it was a great missionary opportunity that will help the public see the missionaries in a new light. Elder Snell said he was still a bit sore when we had him over for dinner last night!
My wife and I have had the opportunity of having your son and his companion over to our apartment many times for dinners. These two missionaries are absolutely wonderful. Elder Snell is always smiling and enthusiastic about the work. He is one happy and diligent missionary. I have also been able to go to teaching appointments with Elders Snell and Nielson and they are fantastic teachers. They listen to the concerns of their investigators and respond accordingly which helps them have strong and personal relationships with those they are teaching. They teach in a simple yet powerful way. It is always a joy and a great learning experience for me to go teaching with them.
Hope all is well back in Utah,
MY SPECIAL EMAIL SENT TO ME (MOM)............................................................
Thanks for the recordings and pictures. They were cool, but nobody was talking...... Maybe I should have been more specific. I have jazz music. Anyways.. I am glad hat there are youth that get it. I honestly don't think that the others have no idea what an impact this has on them. It one that affected me eternally and I will be forever grateful for it. :) I hope you like my pictures and recordings! I am doing my best to make one each week or so. Just that kind of stuff. :)
look a trumpet! We played Ultimate Frisbee and it was super fun! I want to start a team or something when I get home. That would be Epic! Life is sweet! We had an appointment cancel tonight, but that is ok because we need to do more finding anyways. We will FaceTime with them during the week. Stoked!!! By the pictures, it looks like Lexie is taller than me. Hahaha! They are changing so much since I was home. Holy cow! Do down, I just knew that I would be the shortest out of the three of us..... Who knows. I could come home taller than I thought I was and I will be taller than Lexie! (Secretly hoping for that) hahaha! I love having all of my best friends out on missions. It tells me that I made good choices about who my best friends are. Good people. :) I am content with life. I think that when I get home you might be surprised with how much I have grown. Spiritually, that is. I feel really close to Heavenly Father and I am grateful for that. I am changing into the man that He would have me be (even if that man is shorter than his little sister). But, you know what the Prophet Alma said about Small and Simple things. With them, "the Lord doth confound the wise." XD Using scriptures to my benefit. Haha! Thanks for your unconditional love and example you always give to me! You and Dad are my Hero's and have been excellent in guiding me back Home. I have a long way to go and so so much to learn... Haha! I think I will just take it one small step at a time.
Anyways... Thanks for letting me vent out my thoughts. I am working on pondering more. Is is one of the ways I do so. I love you! I have something for Mother's Day, I just need to go to the post office to send it. Expect that coming some time this next week! Can't wait to talk to you!
Love you!
~ Elder Zac Snell :) 
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