First thing I want to talk about, is the metro ride home from the Holocaust Museum. The metro is absolutely packed! It was absolutely no sitting room. It was all standing! We were all back to back, pretty much. It was really funny, because when we stepped inside, we did not have anywhere to hold on. So you could see what would happen when the train started to go. Elder King lost his balance and fell onto me causing me to loose my foothold and plunge backwards into Elder Lee. As if that was bad, we continued the domino effect all the way to the back of the train causing people to fall or loose their balance. Haha! It was a mess, let me tell you that.
Next, I would like to tell you about interviews with President Huntsman. They were pretty awesome! All except for the fact that he treated me like I was going home really soon. I didn't really understand why. He asked me how my mission has influenced me and what changes I had made while I was out here. I wasn't really prepared to answer them, but that was his strategy. I feel like I answered them well. I would like to tell you them, but I totally forgot what I said. I will put that in a separate email later. So that was good. There was a Chinese family that came in and wanted to know if Bible studies go on here. We told him we could give them a tour. They love the church and would like to start meeting with missionaries! Thankfully, we have Samantha and speaking missionaries.
OK. Now for the part that sorta drives me crazy. Elder King and I are going to lunch at IHOP. We start walking in and hear somebody say "Hey are you Jehovah's Witness!?" To that, we are imply that we were Mormon missionaries! He then told us about how he had just lost his job and is looking for just $2 for some food. As he said that, I was reminded of Better Off Dead. Man, that guy would not leave us alone! He followed us into IHOP, sat down with us, and then begin to lecture us on giving to the poor and the needy. His main thing that what he wanted us to take away was too, "be careful who you entertain." He started quoting Bible verses and making us feel guilty. So we offered him some of our food, but he rejected. He then continued to make us feel guilty. Even until he walked out of the building, where he waited for us to walk to dollar tree with him. Upon checking out, we talk to the cashier lady who informed us that that man had worked there and had just been fired because of the problems he caused. Wait, what?!?! She then told us that he was a bad man and we should not be around him. When he asked for the $2, he told us he didn't drink or smoke, but I already walked outside to meet him again, He was smoking! I called him out on his lie, and then he went off on me. "If God didn't want us to smoke it, why did he grow it!?" I then testified of free agency and the gift to choose right from wrong and that there must be opposition in all things. He got really mad that that response. We walked into a local Walgreens where I purchased him some milk and cereal. On our way out, the alarms went off because somebody had something in his pocket. The cashier lady told us to keep going and not to worry about it, but I am pretty positive hat this guy shoplifted..... After receiving his items, he thanked us and then walked away. So there is that story.
My birthday was super entertaining! It included a whole bunch of service, singing to the elderly, silly string fight, and light saber duels! Thanks to all those who wished me a happy birthday! I really really appreciated it! And thank you to those who sent me letters and or packages. They made my day! Can't believe I'm already 20… Wow....
Thanks for reading this rather long message! I have had an excellent week. Tuning next time for even awesome or week. Love you all! Did you IL
~ Elder Zac Snell :)
~ Elder Zac Snell :)
P.S. Be careful who you entertain ;)
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Glen & Cheryl Knutti sent this picture to me from Centreville Va. They helped Elder Zac Snell celebrate his birthday. So grateful for amazing ward members in his mission. Their 11 year old son said "he's my FAVORITE!" With Elder King- He wasn't too happy that his hair was messed up from the silly string fight they had before the picture. :) |