So it was Christmas this past week and it was AWESOME!!! I need to thank the Drasbek family for letting me go to their house to SKYPE! I am pretty sure my mom hasn't stopped talking about it. You might be wondering if I ate dinner there too... the answer would be: Yes!!!! It was super delicious! It has been really fun going to others houses and learning about all their family traditions that they do. Here is one of my favorites: So the dealio is this, They Make a delicious cake, angel food cake of course, and put a candle on for each millenium and sing happy birthday to Jesus! Then they all blow it out! How fantastic is that!!! Personally I think this is a fantastic Idea because it lets you realize that Christ is a real person! Surprisingly, others do the same for Joseph Smith on the 23rd of December. Fun traditions!
So, along with all the great fun I have had this week, I have been through some discouraging times as well. We had a lot of our appointments with our investigators fall through. We prepared super well for each one, but they kept scheduling it till next week. I guess that the Lord is just testing our planning abilities. I have come to value the concept of a back-up plan. All of the appointments that we had set were for sure going to happen, but something randomly popped up EVERY TIME! Frustrating, I know, but I see it as a learning opportunity to plan better for even the absolutes. I know that Heavenly Father has a grand scheme of things up there with him and I know that He sends me trials as I can take them.
I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet and through him, Christ restored this amazing and Marvelous Gospel! We just need to take hold of those principles and apply them in our lives. Always be looking to share this wonderful truth with ALL that you know. The single most important duty is to preach the gospel, Joseph Smith once said! Why do you think that of all the things we can do on this Earth, the most important is to share what we know? I could just come up front and tell you, but If i just do that, you won't gain personal confirmation that it is THE most important thing to do!
I love you all and can't wait to talk to you more!
~ Elder Snell :)
Skype from Zac's point of View |
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Skype from our Point of View |
Happy New Year!!! 2014
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