Tuesday, February 18, 2014


 So, I just looked at my watch and it says: Tue 2-18 14:45. I have been gone for a total of 5 months and 1 hour! WHAT!!!??? I don't know how long it has felt to you guys, but it has just slipped right by! I can remember the first day in the MTC and how long it was. haha! Anyways, now on to the fun stuff like the meat and potatoes!
     So Thursday, a HUGE snow storm and it totally PUKED snow! There was snow everywhere! It was like a huge snow man had a fight with some sort of cloud! They were throwing around tiny flakes of snow hoping to overthrow the government and they succeeded! The entire place shut down! They obviously have no idea how to operate in the snow. haha! Being good, law abiding citizen of the United States of America, we helped out the city get back to normal by helping everyone shovel out their cars. We probably cleared out at least 20 cars from their snowy graves. The coolest part of this is that most people in Virginia have super fancy cars and we got to clear them off! They all had super cool license plate numbers too. I thought it was really funny that people would ask us if we were sure that we wanted to help them shovel off their cars. They thought we were a little crazy, but weren't about to say no to some extra help.
     If you want, You can check out this file and hear the fun stuff we did on Preparation day. I was a little bored and Elder Rowley has a huge bucket of ties......... yeah. I'm going to have fun.
(Zac shared a drop box voice recording, apparently he was messing around with all of Elder Rowley's ties)
He was a little upset, so he wouldn't let me take a good picture, but here is the best one I have.Inline image 1
yeah, that is his arm trying to make it so I didn't get a picture.
     Keep Being awesome! I am looking forward to this week. We will get one of our investigators to church for the full 3 hours. He hasn't come to church for at least 4 years and he committed to coming for the full dealio!
Love you all!
~ Elder Snell
Onward, Excelsior!!!

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