Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Oh, won't you be my neighbor! Haha! Just had that old television show pop into my head. Don't know why.... Mr. Rogers wasn't even my favorite show to watch as a little kid. Blue's Clues had it beat by a long shot, just saying. Well, just like on the show Mr. Rogers, nothing really happened this week. I find it getting harder and harder to find something to write about, but I am sure with my creative brain, I can figure out something to write about!

Ok... Creative juices flowing now....... Ah, BINGO! We actually didn't play bingo, but I know what to talk about! This week, we had a lesson with Valentina! It has been ages since we talked to her last. Not this week, but last week, we finally got into contact with her again! We walked about 30 minutes (Elder Ogilvie's speed) to get halfway there just for a member to pull over and give is a ride to her house. We happily hopped into his car and we started moving (much faster now. Haha). He dropped us off at her house and we knocked on Valentina's door, waited a minute or three. She answered! We then quickly proceeded to set up an appointment when we could go over with Brother Hall. Well, that appointment turned out to be the best Wednesday! This very Wednesday just happened to be this past Wednesday! Our lesson with her went great! She didn't remember much from when we met last, and I don't blame her. The last time we met with her was in December. We basically reran through the first lesson and ended up talking about prophets and apostles. She had no idea that there is a living prophet on the earth today! So we invited her to conference on Sunday at the Hall's house. She is no longer on date for baptism, but is still willing to be baptized when she has some of her questions answered. Her main concern is about the nature of evil. I guess why things happen and what not? We promised that if she prayed before Conference and had a question she wanted answered, it would be answered by the end of conference! She really liked Elder Bednar's and President Uchtdorf's talk. I hope she will act on the promptings she receives through the spirit.

Alrighty! Sounds Bueno! I can't wait till next general conference! Till next time!

~ Elder Zac Snell
Live Life To The Fullest!

Sent from my iPad

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