Monday, June 23, 2014

Finish With A BANG!

   Well, another week has come and gone. Holy cow how fast these
weeks go by! I can't believe that I have been out for nine months
already. On Wednesday, Elder Seely, McInerny and I all hit our nine
month mark because we all came out together. Crazy, right? So, this
week hasn't given me the best luck ever. So, let's just start from the

     To kick off this bad-luck-fest, we had an appointment set for
every day. Turned out just another week of back up plans. We were
supposed to meet with each of our investigators, but they all had some
sort of excuse as to why we can't meet today or they just don't have
time because they are really busy.

     Second. On our way to go to the Franconia Elder's house to help
them make a Mormon message dealieo, I crashed again..... This time, I
didn't have the soft padding of trees to brace my fall, but the hard
asphalt! The rest of the bike ride hurt from sweat dripping into my
open wounds. The whole bike ride would have been about a ten mile bike
ride total. There and back, but we were told there was a shortcut and
all we need to do is cut through this apartment complex and then take
a left. Obviously, we missed the turn and ended up taking this epic
sixteen mile bike ride. This wasn't any flat bike ride, it was up and
down HUGE hills! The pest part was the fact that I didn't have a seat
for the entire ride. That was one stellar ride!

     And finally, I was biking home from service and I look on my arm
and I see a scab on my arm that I don't remember getting. I shrug it
off and then go inside. I go to the bathroom to check it out, and look
closer to find out that it has legs... It was a tick! A rather large
one at that. So I yanked that off me and I will be watching carefully
to see if I am infected or something. Oh! Also, I caught a firefly and
wrote on the ground with it! I did that just for my daddy'o because I
promised him that I would do that. It was pretty cool.

     And to every crazy week, you have to close it out with a BANG!
This old, less active guy named Bob Green has a cannon that his dad
made in 1942 out of a railroad cart axle. I will attach a pic of it.
The thing weighs about 30lbs and packs a punch. He was talking about
setting off his cannon if the weather was good and guess what, it was!
The cannon is really loud, so he has to tell all his neighbors when he
is going to set it off. That day, the elementary school across the
street was either having graduation night or a parent teacher student
gathering. Either way, there were little kids running around at the
elementary school. I asked Bob if we need to talk to them and let them
know, but he looks at me weird and says, "we are doin' what now?" He
just went back to work. So here we are, loading this mini cannon with
black powder and newspaper. We are close watching and all of a sudden
Bob pulls out a box of matches and without warning, lit the fuse. We
quickly scoot back and old Bob tries to stand up, but falls over and
starts crawling away from this quick fused mini cannon. He whole scene
was like a movie star crawling away from an explosion. All except for
the fact that Bob is old. We hear his huge BANG and then a little girl
scream. After the scream, you hear bob's redneck neighbor yell "yeah,
baby!" Hahaha! Good old, crazy Bob...

Anyways. It was an excellent week over all. Hope you guys enjoy the
pics! Love ya!

 ~ Elder Zac Snell

Sent from my iPad

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