Monday, January 26, 2015

35lbs Of The Word Of God

I just had to laugh at the usage of a word from Elder Snell. I was tempted to change it to a correct word but then I had enjoyed the laugh so I left it in. :) Enjoy! -Wendi

 Hey guys how are you!? First off, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, MOMMY!!!!! Ok. Now back to the scheduled program... Well, it's a new week and I can't wait to tell you about it! Not a whole lot has happened but it's always exciting! You never know what's going to happen when you're on your mission. Alright, let's begin!

     So let's begin from the first day of the week. Monday!!! So this day was pretty sweet not only was it preparation day, (Elder Black calls it personality day) he went to the temple while I chilled here with Elder Hopkins. We went shopping and went to a member in the Haymarket ward's house, the Turnbals.  Since zone conference was the next day, Elder Cline and Elder Greenall had to get their car washed so that they wouldn't lose that car!  So we hung out there for a little, while I shot some pool and totally destroyed! We have a billiards table on the main floor at this hotel looking place we live at. It also doubles as an old person home! Old people are so nice!  Anyways so that was my Monday.

     Tuesday was zone conference! It was really awesome. We talked a lot about inviting powerfully and how to begin teaching. Of course we practice taught it was pretty fun.we had to practice teach the law chastity and invite them to live it. So here's the kicker, we had to record ourselves while we were teaching. So now I have this awesome video of me teaching the law chastity to a sister missionary that has been out for a total of two weeks. I would send it to you but it sort of long… Ha ha Ha ha ha! Oh well, it's always awesome to see President Riggs. Oh, something super awesome: Elder Rowley and Sister Miley Johnson are in my zone! Crazy Huh!? 

     The rest of the week was pretty good. I went on an exchange with Elder Cline! It was pretty sweet being his companion again. After the exchange I came back to Gainesville and partied it up with Elder Black! Speaking of Elder Cline, it's his birthday today! So be sure to wish him a happy birthday! I believe it was on Saturday, Elder Black and I went to Chick-fil-A and we found someone new to teach!  He saw us praying over our food, and asked if he could join in the prayer. He just came from Egypt and he wanted us to pray so that he will be cured from cancer. So I had the privilege of saying that pray. We give them a book of Mormon and he said he would like to read it. So we got his information so that we can give him an Arabic book of Mormon. His name is Paula. What could be better than eating a delicious deluxe spicy chicken sandwich and talking to some stranger about the Gospel? Gotta love being a missionary!

     Now for the cool part! Yesterday Elder Black and I were at church and he introduced me to someone who has every single book of Mormon in every language possible. So we set up an appointment to go over to his house to see them! We got over there and he started teaching at math and it was super sweet! He then proceeded to show us the rest of his house and then showed us his collection of copies of the book of Mormon. He told us to say a language, so I said Cantonese. He then proceeded to scandal labeled copies of the book of Mormon and pulled out the Cantonese book of Mormon! I was appalled. Not sure what appalled means but I was definitely that. And if that wasn't cool enough he showed us this giant box in the corner of his room. And you would never guess what was in that box. He had a braille copy of the book of Mormon! My mind was totally blown by that point! You would never guess how much it cost him to get it………… $3.50!!! He just called and asked for it. So cool! It comes in eight volumes! The thing probably wait about 35 pounds. So he let me pull the first volume out and start reading it! I think he was just testing me to see if I really could read braille, but I can! (I can also Speak it.) and thus ends the story of how my mind was blown!

     Well that's about it for this week! Tune in next time for when Elder Snell does a quadruple, knee-high, death-defying, super Turbo, sit up! Thanks for reading this! I love you all.

With much appall,
     ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

This note has been dictated by Siri.

Sent from my iPad

From Out Of The Blue

Jan 19, 2015    

 Oh goodness, a new week! These weeks go by so fast! It's quite ridiculous. You blink for half a second and the next thing that you know, you're at 16 Months! For my friends/family on their missions right now, make the Most of it! It goes by too fast sometimes...

     Well, Gainesville is pretty much one of the best missionary oriented wards I have served in. We have had an exchange set up for every single night this past week! The best part was that we don't have to be out in the freezing cold. This humid cold stuff is starting to really get to me. It cuts through all the layers you are wearing and straight to the bone. You know that feeling when your outer body feels warm, but you still feel cold on he inside? It's not because I am a really bad person with a cold heart, it's just the fact that your insides don't hear up as quick. Maybe I am totally wrong, but this is what I have found. I am pretty sure that someone that has been to rush a or something like that is now reading this and is thinking, “Elder Snell, please... You have no idea..." Yeah.. I know. I have thin skin, ok? Haha! ;) When we are out side, we are unicycling. Hahaha! It's super funny because people honk at us and try to get us to fall. Others stop us and ask if they can try it out. It's funny to watch their attempts and fall over. Haha. We have to find our entertainment somehow. 

     So we are teaching an older guy named Pat. His wife just died and now he is getting kicked out of his apartment because he can't afford it anymore. We try to call him, but it rings twice and then goes to voicemail. We try our best to get a hold of him, but he is never home. Yesterday, we get a call from him out of the blue and ask how he is doing. Elder Black said he sounds like he is doing better, but he has been in the hospital for the past five days! Well that explains why we couldn't get a hold of him for so long. He is doing better, but he had a terrible allergic reaction to some medication he was on and he was down for the count. Poor guy. He is scheduled for baptism on February 20th. Not looking too promising, but it is still good for him to have a goal to work towards. It was a crazy experience for us, trust me.

     Other than that, nothing much more exciting happened. Slowly gaining momentum and giving it all I've got! Thanks for being stellar! I love you all!

In the attitude of being all in,
~ Elder Zac Snell :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Oh My Dinkles!!!!!

Oh, where to begin!? Let's start with transfers. So on the way there, we were talking about where we thought we were going to go / where we wanted to go and they asked if I had received a Zone Leader call, which I hadn't which meant at I was either going to be a District Leader again or just a normal awesome missionary. We got talking and I decided that I was going to go to Gainesville. Hahah so Elder Johnson said, " well, there' style exit to Gainesville. Might as well save you the thirty minute drive and drop you off there. Little did I know hat he totally could have done that. 

     Like I have said in my previous email, I am serving here in Gainesville with Elder Ryan Black. He was Companions with Elder Jensen in Manassas, so there is that cool connection, but one of the coolest connections is e fact hat he unicycles!! He has one. It was the first thing that I saw when I walked into our apartment. He and one of his past companions (not Elder Jensen) unicycled around their area. It got great attention and was super easy to talk about what we are doing in the first place. Great ice breaker! So, here' she scoop. He has a unicycle and found another one for me to use, so that means that we will be unicycling around sharing he Gospel! President loved the idea. :) I knew my unicycling skills weren't developed for nothing!

     I really, really love this ward first Sunday, I meet some amazing people. One of the first guys is brother Mao. He is training to be on American Ninja Warrior! All he has to do is send in a video of his stuff and he should be a shoe in for sure! We go and sit down in our chairs and church starts. Elder Black looks over and sees a guy wearing familiar looking shoes. He said, "Elder Snell, check out those shoes..." I look over and he had DINKLES!!! I make a mental note to talk to him after sacrament meeting. It ended soon, and I got up and asked his name. He told me and I then asked him what instrument he played. "Trumpet :)" ah! Sweet music to my ears! I found a brother! Hahahahaha!!!! His name is Jay. We talk for a while and he goes and gets a friend. He is wearing Dinkles too!! AHHHH!!!! He played the Trombone. Not AS cool, but still cool then he goes and gets his friend and he is wearing Dinkles too!!!!! Life is sooooo good! Hahahahaha!!! Love this ward!

     So, that's my week. I can't wait to serve my heart out! Oh! And the place that I am staying has a billiards table! Game on! Thanks for the support and stuff from everyone! Can't believe I'm  1/24 of the way done. 
     ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

Sent from my iPad

Apparently someone gave these Geese to these Silly Missionaries to cook. Elder Snell and Elder Cline. These pictures were from a while ago. 

FYI, these are Dinkles!

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Dawn, New Day, New Year For Me!!!

 And I'm feeling.......... good!!!!!!!!! *Epic Trumpet part* Ah!!! A new year!! If you asked me one year ago if I thought that 2015 would roll around soon, I would have said NO WAY JOSE!! One year ago, I was with Elder Rowley in Reston. I loved that time of my mission. (not that any other part was less exciting, I just enjoyed being his companion and the Reston ward) After that, I was with Elder Ogilvie and I loved that part too! Then, after serving in Reston for 6 months, I was transferred to be with Elder Jensen in Fort Belvoir! I loved that part too! Elder Jensen was then transferred out and Elder McInerny came in, and you guessed it! I loved that part too! After that, I was transferred to McLean where I served with Elder Cline. I loved that too! After he was transferred out, I was assigned to train Elder Rickertsen. I loved that too!!! Goodness gracious! I just love being a missionary. There is no place that I would rather be at this time!!! There is only one sad part to the turning of a year.... well.. actually there are only two. First, it is a good possibility that I am going to be transferred to another area... So that means that you can't send me any packages straight to my apartment for a week. The next sad part is that this is the year that I go home in.... NOOOOOO!!!!!! The time is going way too fast!!! Sad day....

     OK... mourning is over now and it is time to describe my epic week. Since New Years was in this week, we were allowed to watch two movies. Of which were How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Space Jam! HTTYD2 was super epic and I had really wanted to watch that one for a long time! Space Jam was hilarious of course because it is the Looney Tunes with Michael Jordan. Good stuff. The very next day, we had the privilege of directing traffic at the Temple Visitors center! Nothing makes a teenage boy happier than when you hand them a red glowing baton. All of a sudden, they are transformed into trained Jedi Knights. hahaha! The thought definitely crossed my mind, but we didn't have any Light saber battles. We would have definitely broken something. Instead, we shouted out to people to either not park in this parking lot or to come in to this parking lot. The latter was tons easier because nobody likes being told that they can't park in an empty parking lot. All is well now and nobody got in a wreck and no broken batons, so life is good.

     This has been my week. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! I know I did. Thanks for all the support and love that I get from everyone. Quick shout out to my home stake. If you don't want to do SOTW, think again.... It is amazing and will change your life. It has changed mine.

Love you all!!!
     ~ Elder Zac Snell :)