Monday, January 26, 2015

From Out Of The Blue

Jan 19, 2015    

 Oh goodness, a new week! These weeks go by so fast! It's quite ridiculous. You blink for half a second and the next thing that you know, you're at 16 Months! For my friends/family on their missions right now, make the Most of it! It goes by too fast sometimes...

     Well, Gainesville is pretty much one of the best missionary oriented wards I have served in. We have had an exchange set up for every single night this past week! The best part was that we don't have to be out in the freezing cold. This humid cold stuff is starting to really get to me. It cuts through all the layers you are wearing and straight to the bone. You know that feeling when your outer body feels warm, but you still feel cold on he inside? It's not because I am a really bad person with a cold heart, it's just the fact that your insides don't hear up as quick. Maybe I am totally wrong, but this is what I have found. I am pretty sure that someone that has been to rush a or something like that is now reading this and is thinking, “Elder Snell, please... You have no idea..." Yeah.. I know. I have thin skin, ok? Haha! ;) When we are out side, we are unicycling. Hahaha! It's super funny because people honk at us and try to get us to fall. Others stop us and ask if they can try it out. It's funny to watch their attempts and fall over. Haha. We have to find our entertainment somehow. 

     So we are teaching an older guy named Pat. His wife just died and now he is getting kicked out of his apartment because he can't afford it anymore. We try to call him, but it rings twice and then goes to voicemail. We try our best to get a hold of him, but he is never home. Yesterday, we get a call from him out of the blue and ask how he is doing. Elder Black said he sounds like he is doing better, but he has been in the hospital for the past five days! Well that explains why we couldn't get a hold of him for so long. He is doing better, but he had a terrible allergic reaction to some medication he was on and he was down for the count. Poor guy. He is scheduled for baptism on February 20th. Not looking too promising, but it is still good for him to have a goal to work towards. It was a crazy experience for us, trust me.

     Other than that, nothing much more exciting happened. Slowly gaining momentum and giving it all I've got! Thanks for being stellar! I love you all!

In the attitude of being all in,
~ Elder Zac Snell :)

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