Monday, January 5, 2015

New Dawn, New Day, New Year For Me!!!

 And I'm feeling.......... good!!!!!!!!! *Epic Trumpet part* Ah!!! A new year!! If you asked me one year ago if I thought that 2015 would roll around soon, I would have said NO WAY JOSE!! One year ago, I was with Elder Rowley in Reston. I loved that time of my mission. (not that any other part was less exciting, I just enjoyed being his companion and the Reston ward) After that, I was with Elder Ogilvie and I loved that part too! Then, after serving in Reston for 6 months, I was transferred to be with Elder Jensen in Fort Belvoir! I loved that part too! Elder Jensen was then transferred out and Elder McInerny came in, and you guessed it! I loved that part too! After that, I was transferred to McLean where I served with Elder Cline. I loved that too! After he was transferred out, I was assigned to train Elder Rickertsen. I loved that too!!! Goodness gracious! I just love being a missionary. There is no place that I would rather be at this time!!! There is only one sad part to the turning of a year.... well.. actually there are only two. First, it is a good possibility that I am going to be transferred to another area... So that means that you can't send me any packages straight to my apartment for a week. The next sad part is that this is the year that I go home in.... NOOOOOO!!!!!! The time is going way too fast!!! Sad day....

     OK... mourning is over now and it is time to describe my epic week. Since New Years was in this week, we were allowed to watch two movies. Of which were How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Space Jam! HTTYD2 was super epic and I had really wanted to watch that one for a long time! Space Jam was hilarious of course because it is the Looney Tunes with Michael Jordan. Good stuff. The very next day, we had the privilege of directing traffic at the Temple Visitors center! Nothing makes a teenage boy happier than when you hand them a red glowing baton. All of a sudden, they are transformed into trained Jedi Knights. hahaha! The thought definitely crossed my mind, but we didn't have any Light saber battles. We would have definitely broken something. Instead, we shouted out to people to either not park in this parking lot or to come in to this parking lot. The latter was tons easier because nobody likes being told that they can't park in an empty parking lot. All is well now and nobody got in a wreck and no broken batons, so life is good.

     This has been my week. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! I know I did. Thanks for all the support and love that I get from everyone. Quick shout out to my home stake. If you don't want to do SOTW, think again.... It is amazing and will change your life. It has changed mine.

Love you all!!!
     ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

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