Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Oh My Dinkles!!!!!

Oh, where to begin!? Let's start with transfers. So on the way there, we were talking about where we thought we were going to go / where we wanted to go and they asked if I had received a Zone Leader call, which I hadn't which meant at I was either going to be a District Leader again or just a normal awesome missionary. We got talking and I decided that I was going to go to Gainesville. Hahah so Elder Johnson said, " well, there' style exit to Gainesville. Might as well save you the thirty minute drive and drop you off there. Little did I know hat he totally could have done that. 

     Like I have said in my previous email, I am serving here in Gainesville with Elder Ryan Black. He was Companions with Elder Jensen in Manassas, so there is that cool connection, but one of the coolest connections is e fact hat he unicycles!! He has one. It was the first thing that I saw when I walked into our apartment. He and one of his past companions (not Elder Jensen) unicycled around their area. It got great attention and was super easy to talk about what we are doing in the first place. Great ice breaker! So, here' she scoop. He has a unicycle and found another one for me to use, so that means that we will be unicycling around sharing he Gospel! President loved the idea. :) I knew my unicycling skills weren't developed for nothing!

     I really, really love this ward first Sunday, I meet some amazing people. One of the first guys is brother Mao. He is training to be on American Ninja Warrior! All he has to do is send in a video of his stuff and he should be a shoe in for sure! We go and sit down in our chairs and church starts. Elder Black looks over and sees a guy wearing familiar looking shoes. He said, "Elder Snell, check out those shoes..." I look over and he had DINKLES!!! I make a mental note to talk to him after sacrament meeting. It ended soon, and I got up and asked his name. He told me and I then asked him what instrument he played. "Trumpet :)" ah! Sweet music to my ears! I found a brother! Hahahahaha!!!! His name is Jay. We talk for a while and he goes and gets a friend. He is wearing Dinkles too!! AHHHH!!!! He played the Trombone. Not AS cool, but still cool then he goes and gets his friend and he is wearing Dinkles too!!!!! Life is sooooo good! Hahahahaha!!! Love this ward!

     So, that's my week. I can't wait to serve my heart out! Oh! And the place that I am staying has a billiards table! Game on! Thanks for the support and stuff from everyone! Can't believe I'm  1/24 of the way done. 
     ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

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Apparently someone gave these Geese to these Silly Missionaries to cook. Elder Snell and Elder Cline. These pictures were from a while ago. 

FYI, these are Dinkles!

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