Monday, April 21, 2014

Move 'In - 100.7

 Oh, where to begin?! There has been so much that has happened this week. It was just Super full of surprises. Well, let's just start off with this...
     Monday! That was preparation day! We loaded up in a car and headed over to DC to check out the cherry blossoms and stuff like that! It was way cool! A bit of walking, but I am ok with walking. I do it all the time! We saw about half of the mission there and a whole bunch of members. If you want to see stuff, check out my DropBox folder.
     Tuesday! We got a text from the Office Elders telling us that our lease was up and it was time for us to move. Ok. That's fine. They told us that they could help us move on Wednesday next week. Serendipitously, The other Elder's across the street got the a text that they were moving too! They talked to the Office Elders more and scheduled to move on Saturday (a couple days ago). We didn't understand why they would want to just move one companionship at a time, but we didn't question it. So that was great!
     Wednesday! We didn't do anything super awesome. Just us teaching everyone we come into contact with. We teach members the missionary discussions to get them more excited to do missionary work for their selves. oh! JK! I was on an exchange with Elder Holtby (District Leader). We had a great time. He is giving me Leadership training because he says that I am going to end up being a District Leader this next Transfer and I have to get ready for it. It is really funny because all of the missionaries in my district are thoroughly convinced that I am going to end up being an Assistant to the President.
     Thursday! We did service for Brother Merritt! He is one of the coolest members EVER! He is building this super house with epic floor plans! We went and helped him at his property for that. He said that when it is finished I can come back and stay a night there! That will be way cool! After our service for Brother Merritt, we went to a potential investigators house and had dinner with him and ended up staying over there till the end of the night. He is super cool and Loves the Gospel (sadly, he is Catholic and is not changing any time soon). He became a new investigator that night. His name is Robert Tershak. Please pray for him.
     "It's Friday!!!!"(Red) We did a Blitz! It was way awesome! We had the Zone Leaders and Elder Holtby and Coates come over to a neighborhood in our area and tract it out with us! That, my friends is called a Blitz. Personally, Elder Coates and I didn't have much success. Just a whole bunch of no answers and no's.... oh well. The others had more success. we have a return appointment set up for Tuesday and two super solid potentials. Huzzah for Blitzing!
     Saturday! We helped the other Elders move and were also wondering when we would be moving.... We decided to call the Office Elders and ask them when we are moving. "Today. Move as much as you can and then we can help you on Wednesday with the rest that you didn't move." They didn't even tell us before hand that we were moving today, so we had to pack like crazy and get out of there! We spent the night at the new apartment which was maintained by a senior couple, so it was in great condition. We are now room mates with the other Elders. Fun story, right?
     Sunday! Adam (our miracle investigator from last week) beat us to church! He said that he would meet us at the corner by his house at 7:45 so we could walk to church. We got to the corner and he wasn't there, so I called him and asked him where he was. "I am at the church, are you guys inside?" He was so excited for church that he just jumped the gun and walked by himself to church! He is loving it! Please pray for him, though. His dog isn't doing well and he loves that dog. We also died Easter Eggs. I will attach a picture of them so you can see them!
     Well, that's about it. you don't have to read it all if you don't want, but It was a pretty crazy week. Keeping being the stellar people that you are! Love you guys!
-=iii=<{ Elder Zac Snell

Elder Snell at The White House 2014

Elder Snell and Elder Ogilvie April 2014

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