Monday, October 6, 2014

Huzzah For Preparation!

 Alrighty then! This week has been rather fun and stressful! Let's start from the beginning of the week. District Meetings: This week I was really excited to talk to our district about becoming a Consecrated missionary. I also wanted to focus on an importance of having an investigator come to the home of a member for a lesson, in this case, General Confrence! We had the zone portion first and as I turned around at the begining of the meetings, my eyes caught glimpse of something that scares most district leaders around this time... Sister Riggs! She had chose to attend our Zone's meetings that day. The Zone Leaders finished their address to us about what gets us pumped to do missionary work, and dismissed us to our individual districts. I began to head out, but not fast enough, heh.... I hear the phrase that some fear: "I am going to Elder Snell's District meetings." I let out a huge smile as I realized that she would come to my district meeting. Nervous? Actually, not as nervous as I probably should have been. I felt prepared for this one and was just glad that she chose to come to one that I knew for sure would bee good. So, we continue as I teach, the District is very attentive and participates well. Over all, it was a success in my eyes. After the meeting ended, Sister Riggs says, "Elder Snell, Elder Johnson (Zone Leader who also joined in on my district meeting), Will you come talk with me out in the hall?" It was then when my heart sank.... I agreed and quietly shuffled out into the hall and into another room. She then told me that I had a really good district meeting and that she was impressed. I was smiling, of course. After the praise, we talked about some of the things we talked about durring the Leadership Portion of the Meeting prior to the Zone Portion. We probably talked for about fifteen minutes. Anyways, long story short, there are some problems that we need to fix in my district.... 
     Later in the week, we made our usual rounds to people we teach. One of my favorite people to teach is Michael Scott. No, he doesn't know why his name is funny. He is a really solid guy and only needs to stop drinking Coffee to be baptized. Our other friend that we are teaching is Geoff. He is a retired captian for the navy. Way nice guy. I don't think he is going to be baptized in the near future due to some addictions, but I know that with the Lord's help, he can overcome all trials. Please pray for my friends which we are teaching!
     Today (Monday), We took a V.I.P. tour of the Capitol of the USA and it was EPIC!!!! The other Elder's in our appartment have a member who is an intern there and he hooked us up! I have pictures, but I will just need to upload them a later time. It was way fun. I stood on the star where George Washington was supposed to be burried. That building has some amazing history in it.
     Transfers is thursday and I am forsure staying and Elder Cline is most likely leaving. We will be attending the meeting anyways because we are all going to watch Meet the Mormons! I can't wait for that! I hope you all have an EPIC rest of your weeks! Hope yiou enjoyed confrence. I know I did! Love you all!
     ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

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