Monday, June 16, 2014

Epic Crash and Splash

 So, a lot happened this week. First, might I start off saying that I took my bike seat off my bike to fix it because it was really wobbly, but the worst part about it was I stripped the bolt and screw, so now my bike seat won't go back on.... I told this to Brother Thompson when he asked why I was biking without a seat. He offered to fix it for me because he is a car mechanic and he can basically fix everything. Now, on to the following story.
     It was Elder Farnes' birthday a couple weeks ago and he and other missionaries from our zone wanted to go out to eat for his birthday. sadly, there wasn't enough time to do that on his birthday, so they decided to do it for the last week of the transfer. That day came and Elder Farnes convinced us all to ride our bikes 3 miles to get to the closest IHOP... And of course, I did it with out a seat. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, but it was way fun. We showed up all sweaty because of the long, hot, humid bike ride, so people are already giving us weird looks. We get delicious food and then we head back out.... not really sure the food was worth it, but the bike ride back home WAS for sure! We were at a part of a trail that gets really twisty and turny. I forgot to take in to account the fact that the ground was a little wet from the humidity and I was weaving in and out of the turns. well, after a while, I was humbled and I crashed my bike... it slipped out from underneath  me and I went flying into the trees near by. I had to use my fast thinking, so land on my hands and flip my self over to my back really fast not taking into account what was in my bag. I got off, wiped off my pants and got back on my bike to go home. When I got home, I took out my iPad to see a picture I took at IHOP and lo and behold, My iPad was BENT!! it matches my back perfectly! haha! Good stuff! the craziest part was the screen didn't crack or anything, it just bent the iPad. I will have to send you guys a picture of it. it makes me laugh. So this week had started out Dang amazing! I already had something to smile about! That Crash was EPIC!!! hahah! :)
     Alright, so the moment that I had been waiting for the entire transfer. Adam's Baptism! It was spectacular! The spirit was so strong and Adam was so happy! He was super prepared to meet the missionaries when he did. I am so proud of him! You might be asking yourself, "Wait... Who baptized him?" Well, my predictable viewers, here is your answer. I DID! Adam asked me to baptize him a little while ago and I just never wrote about it to make it a surprise when I wrote about his baptism. Yup! Little Elder Snell baptized Adam! hahah! Guess how many times we had to re-do it................................. We didn't. First timer! Nailed it! Elder Holtby came back to talk about Baptism, I was able to be the Chorister, and Elder Ogilvie gave a talk on The Holy Ghost. It was WAY cool! I wouldn't  trade that moment for anything!
     Well, that is my wreak and week for you in a little snippet of time. I Love you guys!
 ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

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