Monday, November 17, 2014

Deny Everything!

    Heyzhloh, Everyone!!!! I am terribly sorry for the lack of a long email last week. If you didn't get the full one last week, Email me and I will get it to you as soon as I can!
     I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!! We have an investigator named Harrison and we have been teaching him for about 2 weeks now and he is super solid! Everytime we come out from teaching him a lesson, we are always sailing on Cloud 9. He just loves the Gospel and anything we teach him! If any of you are familiar with the promise that Presidnet Eyring said in Preach My Gospel about finding the prepared, you know that it works. the promise states that the Lord will place prepared people in the paths of his prepared servants! We have been working on preparing ourselvs so this very thing can happen and guess what!? IT DID!!!! Harrison has a date for Baptism. November 29th. He is really excited to be baptized. One time when we were teaching him about baptism, he straight up said, "Sweet! Let's do it right now!" He is SO PREPARED!!! It is like a breath of fresh air when we teach him.
     Now about the title. DENY EVERYTHING. This is the "slogan", if you will, of the spies. If you were uninformed of what last Preparation day was about, then this is it. This was one of the coolest museums I have gone to. It is pretty interactive and fun! You start in this elevator filled with lights that change colors and you totally feel like a spy going up it. It takes you to the breifing room where you get your new identity. You have to memorize the facts so you can get out of the museum at the end. My name was Colin Walker, an Art Student in Turkey. There was a ton more information, but that is all that I remember. In the breifing room, it goes over the benifits and risks of becoming a spy. Pretty sweet if you ask me. After the Brefing, you are free to explore the museum and learn as much as you can about being a spy. You even crawl through ventelation shafts to spy on other people. You wiill listen into converstaions going on in the museum of other "beginner spies" and find out their dirty secrets. All of which is Super stellar! There was an epic James Bond floor that had all of his adventures and details on the bad guys. You can test your hanging abilities and pretend as if you are hanging off a helicopter. I hung on for 1 minute. I beat James Bond's time. Killer on the forearms, though. But the thing that you are to remember the most is to deny EVERYTHING! I would deffinately go to the museum again.
     The work here in McLean has been going swimmingly. The momentum of awesomeness is just picking up and everyone is excited to be missionaries. The ward is being super active in missionary work too. We had two non-members there who we weren't even teaching! I love our ward! Of course, something that everyone always dreads/ looks forward too is Transfers. This Thursday is Transfers and we will get calls for what will happen tomorrow night. My prediction is that Elder Rickertsen and I are going to stay together for one more transfer and then I am going to leave the next. Our roommates won't have the same fate. Elder Annis is subject to leave, so I will have a new roommate soon. I really like Elder Annis, so it will be sad to see him go.
     Well, I believe that is it for this week. Nothing that was super crazy, but still an awesome week. Thanks to everyone who reads these emails. I know that they can be boring sometimes, but they are better when I read them, trust me. :P Oh, also tomorrow is my 14 month mark! Crazy how fast time flies!
Love you all! Live Life to the Fullest!!!
  ~ Elder Zac Snell :)

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