Monday, November 10, 2014

Friendly Suprises!

Not too long of an email today because of the epic things we have planned today, but I will recap for all of those there that were there with me in spirit.
     Monday: we had Elder Kapishka come talk to the Misson. for more information on that, see my last email.
     Tuseday: Preparation day for us. We didn't do much concidering that we didn't have any time to plan because they cancled district meetings. We resorted to a zone game of Basket ball. of course, i did my best and still didn't win because I was up against super tall people, but I was faster than them all. I counted it as a win in my book.
     Wednesday: This day was our one of our two full work days concidering that we had someting else going on every other day. So, I decided that it would be an excellent day for an exchange. I had Elder Rickertsen stay in our area to go and teach Michael Scott with Elder Annis. I went to Elder Wagner's area and did a lot of checking up on potentials and tracting. We check up on one potential and then knock five houses next to it. This makes our nights much more effective.
     Thursday: This was weekly planning day. We sat down and talked about all the people in our area after that, we checked up on some potentials. Huzzah!
      Friday: HALLOWEEN!!!! I love Halloween on my mission because we get to watch two movies! But to kick off the day, we had a Zone Confrence. President and Sister Riggs came and talked to us for about eight hours. We learned a lot about using the spirit and having the spirit use you. There was a big focus on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that it is the Why of missionary work. I had fun. I think that this was my fourth or fifth zone confrence on my mission. That made me feel older. The two movies we watched were Frozen and Planes. I loved Frozen! Sang with it through the whole movie. Planes was alright. good stories, but they both seemed like they rushed the plot a whole ton. oh, p.s. I got a package form the Pages this day. Thank You!!!!!!
     Saturday: this was our other work day. We talked to Michael Scott and made sure that he was coming to church, which he did! We also went around and talked to a bunch of Less active members. oh, and don't forget checking up on potential investigators. that is always important to do.
     Sunday: This day made my life. First off, we got to sleep in for one extra hour because of Daylight Savings. Next, Michael came to chuch! And if that wasn't cool enough, I got an unsuspected package from a friend. Sacrament meeting just ended and I go out into the isle to talk to a member and from behind me, i hear a familiar voice say "Hi, Zac." I nearly ignore it because I havn't heard my name been spoken since I was home. After about a second or two, I register that it was my name that the familiar voice was asking for. I turn around an see my old Young Men's President and Scout Master, James Burton. He scared the Heck out of me! it was like two very different worlds collided and became the same world. I hugged him, of course and got super excited! I then introduced him to Michael Scott and my Companion. Anyways, Long story short, the only think keeping me from screaming was the fact that I was in the Chapel. :)
     Well, I guess that it was a longer email after all.... Shows what I know. anyways, Congrats to the Davis High Marching band for their awesome performance at BOA! Hope they have a fun time in Cali! Happy birthday to Elder Jake Lueckler!!! his birthday is tomorrow! Love you, Bro!
Thanks Everyone for all your support! I love you all!
To infinity and beyond!
~ Elder Zac Snell :)

"Stop Hunger NOW" Interfaith Service Project. A sister sent this pic to me and said that Elder Snell is Always Smiling!!!! Elder Snell led the effort to get missionaries from his Zone to attend. 

Elder Snell and Elder Rickertson for Halloween- Secret Agents
Elder Snell and Brother Burton

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