Friday, February 20, 2015

This Wind Really Blows:P

Feb 9, 2015  

Hey, everyone! Let's first talk about the weather! You know, weather happens whether you like it or not. So his past week has had some interesting weather. It was cold to begin with, then the next day comes and it is snowing. Next day, warm and sunny, around 50 degrees. Then the next day, SUPER windy. Next day, freezing cold with ice cold wind. Sunday was the nicest by far, 65 degrees! It stayed warm throughout the entire day too! Now, a story about the windy day.
     'Twas a Thursday and we were biking over to have a lesson at Joe's house. He lives in the corner of our area, so it was a long bike ride. As we kicked off this trek, the wind started to blow a small amount. Nothing to serious, but enough to to have it feel like it was pushing us sideways. We eventually turn a corner and follow that road all the way to Joe's with the wind pushing us a little. Our visit at Joe's was really great! He just had back surgery, so he is stuck at home right now, but he is getting pretty bad cabin fever. We were over there for a bit and at the end, he mentioned that he didn't smoke once! He usually has to step outside with us so he can smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes every ten minutes or so. This time he didn't smoke once!!! Huzzah! On our way back from Joe's, the wind had gotten very fast. Mostly up hill, but I usually bank off of a large downhill portion to help my momentum get going, but as we headed down this hill, the wind picked up and literally stopped us on a pretty good decline. Great... Now I have to build my own momentum, not only did I have a huge hill to climb up, but I also had an opposing force. I honestly believe that missionaries didi something to the wind to make it so angry at us because every time we have somewhere to be, there is ALWAYS a head wind... EVERY TIME! Anyways, so we keep trekking up this hill and eventually we get to the top, out of breath, and then turn towards our apartment. The wind didn't show us any mercy, so we had to bike on our sides a little bit to counteract the wind's force. Talk about a fun bike ride! It is times like these where I wish I could go grab my bed sheets and play on the wind.

     I went on two exchanges this week. One with Elder Greenall, and one with Elder Westover, one of the APs. Elder Greenall was fun to be with. I helped him a little with understanding our purpose and how to tell if you are a successful missionary. He liked it. On my exchange with Elder Westover, we had tons of fun doing work! We found this guy for the YSA ward. He is pretty cool. He said that he felt like God sent us to him. Way cool experience.

     So yesterday, Elder Black's bike broke, so we were only left with one other mode of transportation, UNICYCLES!!! We rode them over to a place that reminded me of station park in Farmington. It even had an It's Sugar, just like the one back home. I thought that it was only a Utah company, but I guess not. Elder Black did some sweet tricks there and got some people's attention, so we shared the gospel with them. Way fun way to break the ice. I have been getting better at unicycling too! Nothing too insane, just good fun.

     I believe that is all for this week! Thanks for all he emails that I received! I love reading them! Happy Valentine's Day on the 14th,

~ Elder Zac Snell :P

Sent from my iPad

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