Monday, July 21, 2014

Mede Jutay Vapis Kado (Urdu for "Give me back my shoes!")

JUNE 30, 2014

I am in so much trouble..... I forgot to post several weeks worth of letters from Elder Snell....Here they are!

   So, I guess I haven't really described my companion as well as I could have. He is Iris, but don't kiss him because he is a missionary. He is 5'11". He is a convert, and by the time he is done with his mission, he will have been a missionary longer than he has been a member. His favorite color is Teal. He has Dark Hair. He likes to wear sunglasses and Hats. He is from Fallbrook, California. He loves sushi. He enjoys messages from home, protein shakes, and surfing. There. That should just about do it. yup. I am satisfied. oh, he is also allergic to Poison oak, Poison ivy, and mosquito bites.
     The most epic thing that happened this week is that we got to do tons of service, go to a baptism in Vint Hill, and Play Tennis for our morning workouts. I am getting rather good if I do say so myself. that or everybody else around me is getting worse..... Let's go with the first.
     So, service, huh? sounds like a whole bunch of fun that goes on when you are aloud to not wear church clothes. yeah.. tis true, but the work we get done is CRAZY!!! So the first thing of service we did was help Brother Page and his family move. This resulted in us going to his military closet and looking at all the cool stuff that he has. There was tons of crazy awesome stuff he had that I am not allowed to tell you that he has. Let's just put it that way. He had uniforms, some guns (Paintball, of course), and sweet life saving kits. after we were done with that, we went to his living room and cleared that out. We had pizza to reward us for the work we did and then we went strait to Bob Green's house to do some service for him. Elder McInerny ran into a patch of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak, so he his rather itchy on his legs at the moment. poor chap. We went back home and fixed that up. Nothing bad, but just made him itch.
     On Wednesday, Grandma called my Mom [on a day that just happened to be her anniversary.(you're Welcome)]. little did my mommy know that I was sitting right next to grandma the whole time. bwahahaha! she demanded that I give her my moms number, so I didn't argue with her in fear of being beat with a cane.
     Friday, we went back to the Page house and leaned up the house with them and got it all ready for the next people who are moving into their house. Saturday, we went to the Stuarts house and did yard work (More poison oak) and then went to the baptism In Vint hill!
     Sunday, Elder McInerny gave a talk on why converts should set their sights on the temple and the blessings it gives you. He did an excellent job!
     Well, that's my week. Hope you all are enjoying the weather over there, because it is hot and humid over here!
Love you all!
 ~ Elder Zac Snell

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